Indian Express had requested me to make a video on how to compost kitchen waste at home during the lockdown. Here is a link to that video that was shot by my son on my phone camera in our own home kitchen!
Being stuck at home, the lockdown during the Covid Pandemic made many of us realise that we need to get connected to nature in more ways than one.
Composting one's kitchen waste at home allows us a beautiful peek into the how the cycle of nature goes in a full circle to take everything that it gives life to, back into itself.
Observing the entire cycle of how one can turn one's own kitchen "waste" into "black gold" - pure, organic compost is a beautiful experience and one that is deeply satisfying. The compost that you will thus create, is excellent nutrition for all your house plants; whether they are edible herbs, vegetables, flowering plants or any others. Plus,
the extra compost can always be shared with neighbours or simply spread out in a nearby public park.
There is no easier way to earn your Green Karma points :)